If Emails can't be deleted probably the Quota is exceeded. Please learn here what „Quota“ means: http://faq.euserv.com/content/17/308/en/what-does-%E2%80%9Equota%E2%80%9C-mean.html
How can I determine if Quota is exceeded?
- Log in to EUserv customer panel
- Choose 'Select' on the right side next to the concerning contract
- Click 'Email-Accounts' in the menue 'Email'
- Choose the concerning Email-Account in the table 'Bisher angelegte Email-Accounts:'
- Check if in column 'Quota (used/max)' the upper value (used) is higher or equal the lower value (max.).
In this case the Quota is exceeded
How can I solve the problem?
Option 1:
Increase the Quota. The following Wiki instructions will help you: http://wiki.euserv.de/index.php/Kundencenter_Email-Accounts#Email-Account_.28Postfach.29_bearbeiten.2Fl.C3.B6schen
Option 2:
Delete Emails via EUserv WebMail-Service until Quota falls below the corresponding value. Get more information here: http://wiki.euserv.de/index.php/Webmail#E-Mails_l.C3.B6schen_bei_.C3.BCberschrittener_Quota