ID #1375

My Confixx licence has expired or not been prolonged, what is the cause ?

The license is currently held by a Confixx script on the server. This can be found under /root/confixx/admin/contrib/

In case you are running an update of Confixx, the file /root/confixx/admin/contrib/ has to be saved and/or possibly restored.

This file provides the update of the key with a cronjob.

With an update the 2 variables on the top are not filled out in the corresponding file. You can enter the 2 variables on the top in this file and run the file again. You should received a message which reads "UPDATE: OK".
If you do not run an update and the aforementioned file contains the Confixx license data, please contact the support. Please provide your licence number as well as the output of the script above.

Furthermore your customer ID and the contract number are needed.

Tags: confixx, licence

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