ID #1782

Can I use DHCP to configure IP addresses?

You have assigned IP addresses to your server in the customer control panel and now want to automatically configure the network using DHCP.

Background information:
The DHCP connection of IP addresses is intended exclusively for the rescue system and will be activated at the earliest 6 hours after allocation of the IP in the customer center to the contract or changes are updated.

What you should not do:
Technically, you can use a DHCP client to configure your network card. Even with virtualized hosts, you can use DHCP to set up the network card. However, we strongly advise against using a DHCP client, as these can lead to unplanned and poorly diagnosable errors.

What you should do:
Always set up the network configuration manually and double-check it. Many supposed "server failures" are due to a faulty and partly incorrect network configuration.

Tags: configuration, dhcp, Konfiguration, network, netzwerk, server

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