ID #1413

What has to be considered / conducted when using a VLAN for my servers ?

To use a VLAN booked at EUserv your servers have to be set up accordingly. This how-to is solely provided for Debian/Ubuntu systems.

To this you have to make the following modifications:

Install the Debian packages required for the VLANs:

  • Command:  apt-get install vlan

Check if the 802.1q Kernel module has been loaded:

  • Command:  lsmod | grep 8021q 

If no output with the module appears it has to be loaded: 

  • Command:  modprobe 8021q

Moreover the module has to be added as a new line into the file /etc/modules in order to be loaded automatically during the startup:

  • Command:  echo 8021q >> /etc/modules

Now the following section has to be added into the file
/etc/network/interfaces. The existing configuration is maintained, $VLAN-ID stands for the VLAN-ID you were assigned and that has to be entered accordingly (e.g. eth0.1005):

auto eth0.$VLAN-ID
iface eth0.$VLAN-ID inet static

Start the interface now:

  • Command:  ifup eth0.$VLAN-ID

You can determine the IP address and net mask on your own. It's important however that each IP is used only once. You can use the abovementioned example and vary the last part of the IP for the normal servers. So it would seem the thing to do to assign the first server the, the 2nd one the etc.


In case you want to integrate an additional Filer/Flex-Server into the VLAN you preferably assign him the .100 or .200 as the IP's last part. A Ping from one server to all the others should now work. 

The VLAN is now always used when these IPs are contacted and communicated with.

Tags: Debian, Install, server, Ubuntu, VLAN

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