ID #1439

Can you build websites with an Office application ?

Yes, that's basically possible. Building a website with Office applications is however recommended only partly. 


  1. Create a document of your choice.
  2. Save the file as "Website" ab so that the file ending is ".htm" or ".html" heißt. Pictures and texts can be included without problems this way. Depending on the program sub directorys of the same name are created where the files are stored.

Hints on building:

Do not delete the created folder since it's not possible then to open the websites. Please remember that when moving or renaming all elements have to be moved/renamed together since otherwise they lose their affiliation. Please transfer the text document and the folder together with the pictures to the web space since pictures can be displayed only when existing in the folder.

Drawbacks when building with Office applications:

  • unclean HTML source text mostly
  • no dynamic web elements possible often
  • postprocessing in a webdesign programm is often necessary
    ist häufig nachträglich notwendig
  • exakt positioning of graphics isn't guaranteed mostly

Tags: application, office, website

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