WS_FTP LE | ||
After starting WS_FTP you can see the folders and files of your computer on the left(1).
Click "Connect" (2) to establish a connection with another server in the Internet.
After that the following window opens up.
In the field "Profile Name" (1) several preset FTP connecton data can be found (referred to as "profiles").
Click "New" (6) to create a new profile.
Enter a freely selectable name into the field "Profile Name" (1).
You can delete a profile by clicking the "Delete" (7) button.
In the field "Host Name/Address" (2) enter "".
In the field "Host Type" (3) leave the preset "Automatic Detect" selected.
In the field "User ID" (4) enter the Username from the activation mail (case sensitive!).
In the field "Password" (5) enter the password from the activation mail.
You should check the "Save Pwd" (8) only if you are the only user of the PC.
To establish a connection with this server click "OK" (9).
After the successful login the main window looks as follows:
The right side "Remote Site" (1) shows the files and folders on the server.
Open the folder "www"(2) by double-clicking on it.
Now you are in the folder "www". There you can see the folders "cgi-bin", "data", "log" and "statistics".
Open the folder "data" now.
In the directory "/www/data" the Files and Folders(1) of your website are stored.
Before you can copy files into the directory "/www/data" you have to select them with the mouse on the left side.
With the button "<-" (2) you can copy the selected files from the server to the local PC (download), the button
"->"(3) is used to copy files from the local PC to the server (upload).
You can also copy complete directories by selecting a directory instead of a file.
In the button bars (4) right to the list boxes all common functions for file editing are included.
The button "ChgDir" changes the current directory. "MkDir" creates a new directory.
With the button "View" you display text files.
The button "Rename" renames a selected file.
The button "Delete" deletes a selected file. Directories can only be deleted when they are empty.
The button "Refresh" refreshes the window of the list box.
The button "DirInfo" provides further information about the files and directories (e.g. permissions etc.).
The radio buttons "Bit Code für die Kodierung von Zeichen. Doch da u.a. deutsche Umlaute in diesem Zeichencode nicht enthalten sind, gibt es immer wieder Probleme beim Austausch von Texten (z.B. bei Email), in denen Zeichen vorkommen, die nicht im ASCII definiert sind.">ASCII" (5), "Binary" (5) and "Auto Detect" (5) in the lower part of the main window determine the mode for the file transfer. "Auto" (5) is recommended here.
success and error messages are displayed in the lower text field (6) of the main window.
With "Cancel" you can abort a file transfer. "Close" ends the current session. After that the button reads "Connect" again.
"Help" provides the online-documentation in the Windows-hypertext-format.
"Exit" ends WS_FTP.